Dimitri gladkov
The design, implementation and performance of the ZEUS Global
Tracking Trigger (GTT) Forward Algorithm is described. The ZEUS GTT
Forward Algorithm integrates track information from the ZEUS Micro
Vertex Detector (MVD) and forward Straw Tube Tracker (STT) to
provide a picture of the event topology in the forward direction
($1.5<\eta <3$ ) of the ZEUS detector. This region is particularly
challenging because of inhomegenieties in the solenoid magnetic
field, and the high occupancies in the forward direction from beam-
gas interactions and secondary scatters with the ZEUS beampipe. The
forward algorithm is distinct from the GTT barrel algorithm, but
will run in parallel on the GTT CPU farm. To avoid unacceptable
deadtime in the ZEUS readout system, the foward algorithm
proccessing must be compliant with the strict requirements of the
ZEUS trigger system. The current status of the integration with the
ZEUS DAQ and trigger systems is also reviewed.
M. Sutton