27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone


30 Sept 2004, 10:00
Coffee (Interlaken, Switzerland)


Interlaken, Switzerland

Board: 8
poster Track 3 - Core Software Poster Session 3


G B. Barrand (CNRS / IN2P3 / LAL)


Rio (for ROOT IO) is a rewriting of the file IO system of ROOT. We shall present our strong motivations of doing this tedious work. We shall present the main choices done in the Rio implementation (then by opposition to what we don't like in ROOT). For example, we shall say why we believe that an IO package is not a drawing package (no TClass::Draw) ; why someone should use pure abstract interfaces in such package (for example to open cleanly to various dictionaries) ; how we can have a more reliable system than ROOT (for example, by simply protect the various buffer overflows). We shall cover the today role of Rio within OpenScientist to store histograms and tuples. We shall present the effort done around Gaudi, at the beginning of 2003, to read LHCb events with Rio (then in the "before POOL" system). We shall present our views about the LCG proposed solution for storage, that is to say POOL over ROOT, and why the author believe that this coarse graining assembly is simply poor software engineering. We shall explain why CERN, due to its fermionic sociology, is going to miss an essential target : an appealing open source object oriented data base for HEP. We shall explain then how to do it without this lab, then passing from Rio to RioGrande...


G B. Barrand (CNRS / IN2P3 / LAL)

Presentation materials