P. Galvez
VRVS (Virtual Room Videoconferencing System) is a unique, globally
scalable next-generation system for real-time collaboration by small
workgroups, medium and large teams engaged in research, education and
outreach. VRVS operates over an ensemble of national and international
networks. Since it went into production service in early 1997, VRVS has
become a standard part of the toolset used daily by a large sector of
HENP, and it is used increasingly for other DoE/NSF-supported programs.
Today, the VRVS Web-based system is regularly accessed by more than
30,000 registered hosts running the VRVS software in more than 103
countries. There are currently 78 VRVS "reflectors" that create the
interconnections and manage the traffic flow, in the Americas, Europe
and Asia. New reflectors recently have been installed in Brazil, China,
Pakistan, Australia and Slovakia.
VRVS is global in scope: it covers the full range of existing and
emerging protocols and the full range of client devices for
collaboration, from mobile systems through desktops to installations in
large auditoria. VRVS will be integrated with the Grid-enabled Analysis
Environment (GAE) now under development at Caltech in partnership with
the GriPhyN, iVDGL and PPDG projects in the US, and Grid projects in Europe.
A major architectural change is currently in development. The new
version v4.0, is expected to be deployed in early 2005. We will describe
the current operational state of the VRVS service and provide a
description of the new architecture including all the new and advanced
functionalities that will be added.
Primary authors
D. Adamczyk
D. Lattka
G. Denis
H. Newman
I. Legrand
J. Fernandes
K. Wei
P. Galvez