H. Kornmayer
The observation of high-energetic gamma-rays with ground based air cerenkov telescopes is one of
the most exciting areas in modern astro particle physics. End of the year 2003 the MAGIC telescope
started operation.The low energy threshold for gamma-rays together with different background
sources leads to a considerable amount of data. The analysis will be done in different institutes
spread over Europe. The production of Monte Carlo events including the simulation of Cerenkov light
in the atmosphere is very computing intensive and another challenge for a collaboration like MAGIC.
Therefore the MAGIC telescope collaborations will take the opportunity to use Grid technology to set
up a distributed computational and data intensive analysis system with nowadays available
technology. The basic architecture of such a distributed, Europe wide Grid system will be presented.
First implementation results will be shown. This Grid might be the starting point for a wider distributed
astro particle Grid in Europe.
A. Forti
(University of Udine)
A. deAngelis
(University of Udine)
C. Bigongiari
(INFN, Padua)
G. Cabras
(University of Udine)
H. Kornmayer
M. Delfino
(PIC, Barcelona)
M. Frailis
(University of Udine)
M. Hardt
M. Kunze
M. Mazzucato
M. Piraccini
(University of Udine)