27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Monitoring the CDF distributed computing farms

28 Sept 2004, 10:00
Coffee (Interlaken, Switzerland)


Interlaken, Switzerland

Board: 27
poster Track 6 - Computer Fabrics Poster Session 1


I. Sfiligoi (INFN Frascati)


CDF is deploying a version of its analysis facility (CAF) at several globally distributed sites. On top of the hardware at each of these sites is either an FBSNG or Condor batch manager and a SAM data handling system which in some cases also makes use of dCache. The jobs which run at these sites also make use of a central database located at Fermilab. Each of these systems has its own monitoring. In order to maintain and effectively use the distributed system, it isimportant that both the administrators and the users can get a complete global view of the system. We will present a system which integrates the monitoring of all of these services into one globally accessible system based on the Monalisa product. This system is intended for administrators to monitor the system status and service level and for users to better locate resources and monitor job progress. In addition, it is meant to satisfy the request by the CDF International Finance Committee that global computing resource usage by CDF can be audited.

Primary authors

A. Eskola (Rovaniemi Polytechnicm, Finland) E. Lipeles (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO) F. Wuerthwein (University of California San Diego) I. Sfiligoi (INFN Frascati) M. Neubauer (University of California, San Diego)

Presentation materials