E. Berman
Fermilab operates a petabyte scale storage system, Enstore, which is the
primary data store for experiments' large data sets. The Enstore system
regularly transfers greater than 15 Terabytes of data each day. It is designed using a
client-server architecture providing sufficient modularity to allow easy addition and
replacement of hardware and software components. Monitoring of this system is
essential to insure the integrity of the data that is stored in it and to maintain
the high volume access that this system supports.
The monitoring of this distributed system is accomplished
using a variety of tools and techniques that present information for use
by a variety of roles (operator, storage system administrator, storage software
developer, user).
All elements of the system are monitored: performance, hardware,
firmware, software, network, data integrity.
We will present details of the deployed monitoring tools with an
emphasis on the different techniques that have proved useful
to each role. Experience with the monitoring tools and techniques,
what worked and what did not will be presented.
A. Moibenko
C-H. Huang
D. Petravick
E. Berman
J. Bakken
M. Zalokar