28–30 Jun 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Reducing travel with online events: RemotelyGreen

29 Jun 2021, 16:00


Flash Talk Flash Talk


Benjamin Krikler (University of Bristol (GB))


Do we need to travel to support international collaboration? If the last year has shown us anything, the short answer seems to be no but with room for improvement. RemotelyGreen is a hybrid organisation with its roots in a series of Geneva-based hackathons back in 2019, before the pandemic. Its vision is to see remote collaboration be the norm, even in a post-COVID world, given it can reduce accessibility barriers and be far more environmentally friendly. We've been working on several fronts: an open-source carbon calculator to allow people to compare online events to in-person ones on an equal footing, and a platform to make it easier to meet new people at online events. Over the last year we've helped dozens of big events go online and seen what works and what doesn't. In this talk I'll give an overview of all that we've been doing, what we've learnt, and where we seem to be going.


Benjamin Krikler (University of Bristol (GB))

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