28–30 Jun 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

ATLAS Open Data and the mission of developing educational resources that run "everywhere"

29 Jun 2021, 16:00


Flash Talk Flash Talk


Arturo Sanchez Pineda (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))


The ATLAS Open Data project for education aims to deliver reliable and easy-to-setup resources for teaching High Energy Physics and the related computer sciences. Because of the worldwide nature of our target audience, university students and their trainers, this requires building resources on top of open-source tools that allow others to use them freely and to contribute to their development. We present how the usage of very well-known open-access technologies combined with the knowledge of the ATLAS outreach group is enhancing the overall project towards a more collaborative dynamic, proper of an open-source project. When also ensuring that such resources are used in as many places, individual computers and modest academic institutions as possible.


Arturo Sanchez Pineda (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))

Presentation materials