Writing papers and giving talks at conferences (or seminars at institutes) were pretty good 20th Century ways to share our research with each other. Now that we're in the 21st Century we can try to take advantage of 21st Century tools. On my own and with others I've been trying to think about what this means in practice. Early experiments are the Cosmology from Home conference (a conference that embraces its online nature, rather than fighting it), the Cosmology Talks YouTube channel (a cosmology podcast for cosmologists), Cosmo Comments (an attempt to bring accountability to peer review), Cosmo Discussion (a community-wide Slack workspace) and a technical "Cosmology Wiki" (that doesn't exist yet). These experiments have a varied level of success so far. In the 8 minutes allocated I'll try to share some insights (of what works and what doesn't - and my thoughts on why). The 8 minute version might end up just being a teaser for a 45 minute version though 😅.