Roberge-Weiss transitions at imaginary isospin chemical potential

29 Jul 2021, 06:15
Oral presentation QCD at nonzero Temperature and Density QCD at nonzero Temperature and Density


Amine Chabane (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)


At finite imaginary values of the chemical potential, QCD is free of the sign
problem. Moreover, at high temperatures the partition function exhibits
a new symmetry (the Roberge-Weiss symmetry) connecting phases
with different orientations of the Polyakov loop, and the corresponding
phase transitions between these.
In this contribution we investigate the perturbative one-loop
effective potential for the Polyakov loop in the presence of imaginary
isospin as well as baryon chemical potentials. This leads to a novel phase
diagram, which reveals an interesting insight about the
rich phase structure and the center symmetry breaking.
We check the perturbative results using direct lattice simulations.


Amine Chabane (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) Prof. Gergely Endrödi (University of Bielefeld)

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