Anton Trunin
(Samara University)
We present our results on the study of the electromagnetic conductivity in
dense quark-gluon plasma obtained within lattice simulations with $N_f = 2 + 1$
dynamical quarks. We employ stout improved rooted staggered quarks at
the physical point and the tree-level Symanzik improved gauge action.
The simulations are performed at imaginary chemical potential and the
Backus-Gilbert method is used to extract the conductivity from
current-current correlators. Our preliminary results show
an increase of conductivity with real baryon density.
Anton Trunin
(Samara University)
Artem Vasiliev
Francesco Sanfilippo
(INFN - Sezione di Roma Tre)
Lorenzo Maio
(University of Pisa)
Marco Cardinali
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
Massimo D'Elia
(University of Pisa)
Nikita Astrakhantsev
Victor Braguta