Study of the EoS of dense QCD in an external magnetic field

28 Jul 2021, 13:15
Oral presentation QCD at nonzero Temperature and Density QCD at nonzero Temperature and Density


Natalia Kolomoyets (JINR)


In this report, we present our results on the lattice study of the EoS of dense
QCD in an external magnetic field. The simulations are performed with
$N_f = 2+1$ rooted dynamical staggered quarks at the physical point.
Finite density is introduced through the imaginary chemical potentials
$\mu_u=\mu_d=\mu_I$, $\mu_s=0$. The EoS is obtained as series with respect
to $\mu$ up to $\mu^6$ term. The dependencies of the expansion
coefficients on the magnetic field are studied.


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