Dibyendu Bala
(Bielefeld University)
We have studied finite temperature complex static quark-antiquark potential for 2+1 flavor QCD using highly improved staggered action with pion mass 161 MeV. We extracted the potential using the Wilson line correlator fixed in Coulomb gauge. For the extraction, we have used a newly developed method [1] of splitting the correlator into symmetric and anti-symmetric parts. Using this method we found that the real part of the potential is screened above the crossover temperature, whereas the imaginary part is increasing with both distance and temperature.
[1] D. Bala and S. Datta, "Nonperturbative potential for the study of quarkonia in QGP", Phys. Rev. D 101, 034507
Dibyendu Bala
(Bielefeld University)