Normalizing flows for the real-time sign problem

28 Jul 2021, 21:00
Oral presentation QCD at nonzero Temperature and Density QCD at nonzero Temperature and Density


Yukari Yamauchi


Applications of machine learning techniques to numerical studies of quantum field theories have been explored intensely in recent years. One such application is the use of a neural network for finding a map between the Boltzmann distribution of a lattice field theory and a simpler distribution function (a 'trivializing map' or 'normalizing flow'). Once such a map is found, one expects to improve the Monte-Carlo simulation by sampling field configurations from the simpler distribution function. In this talk, I will discuss the application of normalizing flows to $\phi^4$ real scalar field theory in Minkowski space as a first step toward solving its real-time sign problem. The goal is to find a map between the complex-valued Boltzmann distribution via the action of $\phi^4$ theory and a real-valued distribution. Firstly I will explain the conjectured existence of such normalizing flows which solve the sign problem completely. Then I will discuss the search for such normalizing flows with the aid of machine learning and the perturbative study of normalizing flows.


Yukari Yamauchi Scott Lawrence (University of Colorado, Boulder)

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