Determination of the masses of hybrid charmonium mesons

28 Jul 2021, 07:00
Oral presentation Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions


Gaurav Ray (University of Plymouth)


There are several unexplained resonances in the charmonium sector. To this end we present a study of the masses and decay constants of the lightest multiplet of charmonium-like hybrid mesons. We obtain precise measurements through the use of a variational basis and a large number of configurations at three lattice spacings. We use staggered fermion operators and our configurations are generated using the HISQ action with 2+1+1 dynamical flavours. The mixing of the vector hybrid with the $\small J/\Psi$ is examined and bounds on the vector hybrid decay constant are presented.


Gaurav Ray (University of Plymouth) Dr Craig McNeile (Plymouth University)

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