Three pion interactions from the lattice

29 Jul 2021, 14:15
Oral presentation Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions


Ruairí Brett (George Washington University)


Much of the resonant spectrum of QCD consists of states which decay strongly into two- and three-body final states. Lattice QCD calculations have matured to the stage where these states can be reliably resolved in first principles numerical calculations. While connecting these finite-volume results to infinite-volume scattering is now commonplace in the two-body sector, three-body physics presents more difficulties.

On the back of the significant progress made in connecting three-body scattering in infinite-volume to finite-volume states, the first determinations of three-body interactions from lattice QCD have recently begun to appear. Building on success in the two-pion sector, I will present our recent lattice QCD calculations of three-pion systems in maximal isospin, with a focus on a recent extraction of the 3$\pi^+$ three-body force, and a comparison to other determinations.


Ruairí Brett (George Washington University)


Chris Culver (George Washington University) Dr Maxim Mai (The George Washington University) Andrei Alexandru (The George Washington University) Michael Doring (George Washington University and Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility) Prof. Frank X. Lee (George Washington University)

Presentation materials