Nilmani Mathur
We present the results of a lattice calculation of tetraquark states with quark contents $\bar{b}\bar{c}\,q_1q_2, \, q_1,q_2 \subset u,d,s$ in both spin zero ($J=0$) and spin one ($J=1$) sectors. For the spin one states, when the light quark ($q_1, q_2$) masses are lighter, we find at least one energy level below the possible thresholds energy levels. These calculations are performed on three dynamical $N_f=2+1+1$ highly improved staggered quark ensembles at lattice spacings of about 0.12, 0.09 and 0.06 fm. We use the overlap action for light to charm quarks while a non-relativistic action with non-perturbatively improved coefficients is employed for the bottom quark.
Nilmani Mathur
Padmanath Madanagopalan
(Universität Mainz)