Coulomb corrections to pi-pi scattering

27 Jul 2021, 14:30
Oral presentation Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions


Joseph Karpie (Columbia University in the City of New York)


The relationship between finite volume multi-hadron energy levels and matrix elements and two particle scattering phase shifts and decays is well known, but the inclusion of long range interactions such as QED is non-trivial. Inclusion of QED is an important systematic error correction to K->\pi\pi decays. In this talk, we present a method of including a truncated, finite-range Coulomb interaction in a finite-volume lattice QCD calculation. We show how the omission caused by the truncation can be restored by an infinite-volume analytic calculation so that the final result contains no power-law finite-volume errors beyond those usually present in Luscher’s finite-volume phase shift determination. This approach allows us to calculate the QED-corrected infinite-volume phase shift for \pi\pi scattering in Coulomb gauge, a necessary ingredient to K->\pi\pi, while neglecting the transverse radiation for now.

Primary authors

Joseph Karpie (Columbia University in the City of New York) Norman Christ (Columbia University) Feng Xu Mr Tuan Nguyen (Columbia University)

Presentation materials