In this talk we present preliminary results for the masses of the proton, neutron and Omega- baryons obtained from $n_f$=1+2+1 QCD+QED lattice simulations performed using C$^*$ boundary conditions. Spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 baryon two-point correlators are extracted from full QCD+QED lattice simulations through an extension to the OpenQ$^*$D publicly available code. The correlators are computed by smearing, at different levels along the spatial directions, both the gauge configurations and the interpolating operators. Baryon masses are then extracted by applying the Generalised Eigenvalue Problem. These results are part of the ongoing effort of the RC* collaboration (discussed in the companion talk by Jens Lücke) and have been obtained on a single ensemble in which the renormalized electromagnetic coupling is $\alpha_{\text{em}}$~0.04, the physical volume is $L$~1.7fm and the masses of the four dynamical quarks have been tuned at the U-spin symmetric point $m_d=m_s$.