We present a determination of the gradient flow scales $w_0$, $\sqrt{t_0}$ and $t_0/w_0$ in isosymmetric QCD, making use of the gauge ensembles produced by the Extended Twisted Mass Collaboration (ETMC) with $N_f=2+1+1$ flavours of Wilson-clover twisted-mass quarks including configurations close to the physical point for all dynamical flavours. The simulations are carried out at three values of the lattice spacing and the scale is set through the PDG value of the pion decay constant, yielding $w_0 = 0.17383(63)$ fm, $\sqrt{t_0} = 0.14436(61)$ fm and $t_0/w_0 = 0.11969(62)$ fm. Finally, fixing the kaon mass to its isosymmetric value, we determine the ratio of the kaon and pion leptonic decay constants to be equal to $f_K/f_\pi = 1.1995(44)$.