Sebastian Andreas Burri
(Universität Bern)
We report on our computation of the pion transition form factor $\mathcal{F}_{\pi \rightarrow \gamma^* \gamma^*}$ from twisted mass lattice QCD, to determine the numerically dominant light pseudoscalar pole contribution for the analysis of hadronic light-by-light scattering in the muon $g-2$. The pion transition form factor is computed directly at the physical point. We present first results for our estimate of the pion pole contribution to $a_\mu$ with kinematic setup of the pion at rest at a single lattice spacing.
Sebastian Andreas Burri
(Universität Bern)
Urs Wenger
Marcus Petschlies
(HISKP, Bonn University)
Andrew David Gasbarro
(Universität Bern)