Felix Erben
(University of Edinburgh)
We are presenting our ongoing Lattice QCD study on $B - \bar{B}$ mixing on several RBC/UKQCD and JLQCD ensembles with 2+1 dynamical-flavour domain wall fermions, with a range of inverse lattice spacings from 1.7 to 4.5 GeV and including physical-pion-mass ensembles. We compare various different fitting strategies to extract bag parameters $B_{B_d}$ and $B_{B_s}$ both for the standard-model operator as well as the four BSM operators. On each ensemble, we are simulating a range of heavy-quark masses from below the charm-quark mass towards the bottom-quark mass, with one data point reaching about 75% of $m_{\eta_b}$.
Primary author
Felix Erben
(University of Edinburgh)