QED and strong isospin corrections in the hardonic vacuum polarization contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon

27 Jul 2021, 06:15
Oral presentation QCD in searches for physics beyond the Standard Model QCD in searches for physics beyond the Standard Model


Letizia Parato (Aix Marseille Université)


Recently, the Budapest-Marseille-Wuppertal collaboration has achieved a sub-percent precision in the evaluation of the HVP contribution to the muon g-2. At this level of precision, pure isospin-symmetric QCD is not sufficient. In the talk we will review how QED and strong isospin breaking effects have been included in our work. Isospin-breaking is implemented by expanding the relevant correlation functions to second order in electric charge and to first order in $(m_d-m_u)$. The correction terms are then computed using isospin-symmetric configurations. The choice of this approach allows us to better distribute the available computing resources among the various contributions.


Letizia Parato (Aix Marseille Université)

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