A10: Precision bottomonium properties and b quark mass from lattice QCD+QED

28 Jul 2021, 08:00
Poster Standard Model Parameters Poster


Christine Davies (University of Glasgow)


We will discuss the determination of the properties of heavyonium mesons in lattice QCD + quenched QED, using the HISQ action on gluon field configurations that include 2+1+1 flavours of sea quarks and with lattice spacing values going down to 0.03 fm. Results include values for the bottomonium hyperfine splitting and Upsilon and eta_b decay constants, for comparison to our earlier results for the properties of charmonium from lattice QCD+QED. We also determine the ratio of the masses of b and c quarks in the MSbar scheme at 3 GeV, including QED contributions. Using our earlier result for c quark mass in QCD+QED, this enables a new 0.5\% accurate determination of the b quark mass.

Results have appeared in: 2101.08103 and 2102.09609


Christine Davies (University of Glasgow) Dr Daniel Hatton (University of Glasgow) Dr Jonna Koponen (University of Mainz) Prof. Peter Lepage (Cornell University) Dr Andrew Lytle (University of Illinois)

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