Christine Davies
(University of Glasgow)
We will discuss the determination of the properties of heavyonium mesons in lattice QCD + quenched QED, using the HISQ action on gluon field configurations that include 2+1+1 flavours of sea quarks and with lattice spacing values going down to 0.03 fm. Results include values for the bottomonium hyperfine splitting and Upsilon and eta_b decay constants, for comparison to our earlier results for the properties of charmonium from lattice QCD+QED. We also determine the ratio of the masses of b and c quarks in the MSbar scheme at 3 GeV, including QED contributions. Using our earlier result for c quark mass in QCD+QED, this enables a new 0.5\% accurate determination of the b quark mass.
Results have appeared in: 2101.08103 and 2102.09609
Christine Davies
(University of Glasgow)
Daniel Hatton
(University of Glasgow)
Jonna Koponen
(University of Mainz)
Peter Lepage
(Cornell University)
Andrew Lytle
(University of Illinois)