Jul 26 – 30, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

Charm physics with a tmQCD valence action

Jul 29, 2021, 5:45 AM
Oral presentation Standard Model Parameters Standard Model Parameters


Alessandro Conigli (UAM IFT-CSIC, MADRID)


We report on our ongoing determination of the charm quark mass and the masses and decay constants of various charmed mesons, obtained within a mixed-action setup. We employ $N_f=2+1$ CLS ensembles combined with a Wilson twisted mass valence action that eliminates the leading $O(a)$ effects from our target observables. Alongside our preliminary results, we will discuss an exploration of GEVP techniques aimed at optimizing the precision in view of the extension of the computation to heavier quark masses.

Primary author

Alessandro Conigli (UAM IFT-CSIC, MADRID)


Carlos Pena Ruano (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (ES)) Gregorio Herdoiza (IFT, UAM-CSIC) Andrea Bussone (IFT, UAM-CSIC ) Jose Angel Romero Jurado (IFT, UAM-CSIC) David Preti (INFN) Julien Frison (IFT, UAM-CSIC) Javier Ugarrio (IFT, UAM-CSIC)

Presentation materials