Benjamin Jaedon Choi
(Seoul National University)
We present our current progress on the lattice calculation of decay constants for $B_{(s)}$, $D_{(s)}$ mesons using sequential Bayesian method and the Oktay-Kronfeld (OK) action for the charm and bottom quarks (valence quarks). Here, the masses of charm and bottom quark are determined non-perturbatively. For the light spectator quarks (up, down and strange), we use HISQ action. Lattice calculation is done on MILC HISQ a12m220 ensemble ($N_f=2+1+1$ flavors). $f_{B_s} / f_B$ and $f_{D_s} / f_D$, the flavor $SU(3)$ symmetry breaking ratio, are presented. They are independent of the renormalization constants for the axial current.
Primary authors
Benjamin Jaedon Choi
(Seoul National University)
Seungyeob Jwa
(Seoul National University)
Sungwoo Park
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Sunkyu Lee
(Seoul National University)
Weonjong Lee
(Seoul National University)
Yong-Chull Jang
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)