SU(3) symmetry breaking in $f_B$ and $f_{B_s}$

29 Jul 2021, 13:30
Oral presentation Standard Model Parameters Standard Model Parameters


Sophie Hollitt (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))


Experimental precision for measurements of $B$ meson decays will continue to improve over the coming years as Belle II collects more data and the LHC returns to operation after its upgrade period. Independent measurements of $V_{ub}$ will soon be possible using rare $B\to\tau\nu$ decays, for which $B$ meson decay constants $f_B$ are a key input.

We present updates from UKQCD/QCDSF/CSSM on the $SU(3)_{f}$ breaking in $B$ meson decay constants, using weighted averaging methods during the correlator fitting process. The $b$-quarks are generated with an anisotropic clover-improved action, and are tuned to match properties of the physical $B$ and $B^*$ mesons. Configurations are generated with $\overline{m} = \frac{1}{3}(2m_l + m_s)$ kept constant to control symmetry breaking effects. Various sources of systematic uncertainty will be discussed, including those from continuum extrapolations and extrapolations to the physical point.

Primary authors

Prof. Paul Jackson (University of Adelaide) James Zanotti (University of Adelaide) Ross Young Shanette De La Motte (University of Adelaide) Sophie Hollitt (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))

Presentation materials