Proton momentum and angular momentum decomposition with overlap fermions

29 Jul 2021, 22:30
Oral presentation Hadron Structure Hadron Structure


Gen Wang (University of Kentucky)


We present a calculation of the proton momentum and angular momentum decomposition using overlap fermions on a 2+1-flavor RBC/UKQCD domain-wall configuration at around 171 MeV which is close to the physical pion mass. A complete determination of the momentum and angular momentum fractions carried by up, down, strange and glue inside proton has been done with valence pion masses varying from 171 to 391 ${\rm{MeV}}$. We have utilized FFT on stochastic sandwith method for connected-insertion parts and the cluster-decomposition error reduction (CDER) technique for disconnected-insertion parts to reduce errors. We carried out the nonperturbative renormalization and mixing for all quantities and final results are reported at the physical pion mass with ${\overline{\rm {MS}}}(\mu = 2\ {\rm{GeV}})$.


Gen Wang (University of Kentucky)


Yibo Yang Dr Jian Liang (University of Kentucky) Prof. Terrence Draper Prof. Kehfei Liu

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