NNLO Corrections to Quark Quasi Distributions

28 Jul 2021, 06:30
Oral presentation Hadron Structure Hadron Structure


Ruilin Zhu (Nanjing Normal University)


We present the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) calculation of quark quasiparton distribution functions (PDFs) in the large momentum effective theory. The nontrivial factorization at this order is established explicitly and the full analytic matching coefficients between the quasidistribution and the light-cone distribution are derived. In the end we get the PDFs within our NNLO matching coefficients and the lattice data.


Ruilin Zhu (Nanjing Normal University) Mr Long-Bin Chen (Guangzhou University) Prof. Wei Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

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