In this talk I will present lattice results regarding the glueball
spectrum, the localization of Dirac eigenmodes and thermal monopoles
properties in trace-deformed YM theory. Trace deformation is an extra
piece added to the usual YM action, which stabilizes center symmetry
also in the limit of small compactification length. The study of
trace-deformation could give a deep insight on the relation between
non-perturbative properties and the realization of center symmetry, as
well as a theoretical playground to study the properties of YM theory
in a space with a compactified dimension. The glueball spectrum is
studied in the limit of small compactification length, when center
symmetry is recovered due to trace-deformation. The localization of
Dirac eigenmodes and the behavior of thermal monopoles, instead, is
studied across the re-confinement phase transition, in order to
understand if this quantities have a similar behavior of the one
observed in the usual deconfinement phase transition.