Neutrino-nucleon inclusive scattering cross sections on the lattice

28 Jul 2021, 22:00
Oral presentation Hadron Structure Hadron Structure


Jun-Sik Yoo (KEK, Japan)


We compute the inclusive neutrino-nucleon scattering cross sections from
the first principles of QCD. This is highly relevant to the recent and
future $\nu-N$ scattering experiments , whose energy regime is excessively low
for the perturbative analysis to hold. We use a technique recently
to treat the inclusive contributions on the lattice. We compute the
forward Compton-scattering amplitude on the
lattice where all intermediate states contribute.
Total cross section is then constructed by multiplying the phase space
factor and integrating over the energy and momentum of final
states. By promoting the phase space factor to an operator, the energy
integral and the sum over intermediate states is represented by a series
of correlators in Chebyshev basis.
In this talk we conduct a series of tests showing the validity of the
tracking the changes in the shape of smeared kernel functions according
to the smearing width and to the order of Chebyshev approximation, and
check the consistency with phenomenological analyses.


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