Exploring SU(3) + Higgs theories - The adjoint case

30 Jul 2021, 07:15
Oral presentation Particle physics beyond the Standard Model Particle physics beyond the Standard Model


Mr Bernd Riederer (University of Graz)


In GUT-like scenarios it is necessary to break the gauge group to the SM-group. This is usually achieved by adding scalars to the theory, which may introduce one or more possible breaking patterns to the theory. Additionally, a valid description of gauge-symmetry-breaking needs to be manifestly gauge-invariant, which is often neglected in standard phenomenology.
In our work we therefore study the lattice phase diagram of the simplest theory with two breaking patterns: a $SU(3)$ gauge theory with a Higgs in the adjoint representation. This allows us to analyse possible tensions between perturbative breaking patterns and actual possible ones.


Mr Bernd Riederer (University of Graz)


Axel Torsten Maas (University of Graz) Elizabeth Dobson (University of Graz)

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