Sp(4) lattice gauge theory with fermions in multiple representations

30 Jul 2021, 05:30
Oral presentation Particle physics beyond the Standard Model Particle physics beyond the Standard Model


Jong-Wan Lee (Pusan National University)


We study a four-dimensional lattice gauge theory with fermions transforming as the fundamental and antisymmetric representations of Sp(2N) gauge groups. More specifically, we consider the case of N=2 with two and three Dirac flavors for the fundamental and antisymmetric fermions, respectively, whose continuum limit serves as the microscopic theory for SU(4)/Sp(4) models of composite Higgs and top-partial compositeness. The standard Wilson gauge action and Wilson-Dirac fermions are used for the Euclidean formulation of the theory. We discuss the phase structure of the lattice theory, where we find strong evidence of a first-order bulk transition in the strong coupling regime. We also present a preliminary investigation of the mass spectrum of composite states including the Chimera baryon, a baryonic state composed of valence fermions in the two different representations, in addition to spin 0 and 1 (flavored) mesons.


Jong-Wan Lee (Pusan National University)


Ed Bennett (Swansea University) Jack Holligan Deog-Ki Hong (Pusan National University) Ho Hsiao (NYCU) Prof. C.-J. David Lin Biagio Lucini (Swansea University) Michele Mesiti (University of Pisa) Prof. Maurizio Piai (Swansea University) Davide Vadacchino (Trinity College Dublin)

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