The Techni-Pati-Salam Model

30 Jul 2021, 05:00
Oral presentation Particle physics beyond the Standard Model Particle physics beyond the Standard Model


Giacomo Cacciapaglia


Composite Higgs models can be extended to the Planck scale by means of the partially unified partial compositeness (PUPC) framework. We present in detail the Techni-Pati-Salam model, based on a renormalizable gauge theory SU(8)×SU(2)L×SU(2)R. We demonstrate that masses and mixings for all generations of standard model fermions can be obtained via partial compositeness at low energy, with four-fermion operators mediated by either heavy gauge bosons or scalars. The strong dynamics is predicted to be that of a confining Sp(4)HC gauge group, with hyper-fermions in the fundamental and two-index anti-symmetric representations, with fixed multiplicities. This motivates for Lattice studies of the Infra-Red near-conformal walking phase, with results that may validate or rule out the model. This is the first complete and realistic attempt at providing an Ultra-Violet completion for composite Higgs models with top partial compositeness.


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