Alessandro Lupo
(University of Edinburgh)
The naturalness problem in the Higgs sector finds a popular solution in composite Higgs models. In such theories the Higgs boson emerges as the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson associated with the breaking of a global symmetry realised in a new, strongly interacting sector. In this talk we address a model arising in this context and well motivated by phenomenological arguments, a SU(4) gauge theory with fermions in two distinct representations. We present a novel lattice study of this theory, in which we address the non-perturbative reconstruction of spectral densities from lattice correlators.
Alessandro Lupo
(University of Edinburgh)
Luigi Del Debbio
(The University of Edinburgh (GB))
Marco Panero
(University of Turin and INFN, Turin)
Nazario Tantalo
(University of Rome "Tor Vergata")