Dilaton chiral perturbation theory and applications

29 Jul 2021, 14:15
Oral presentation Particle physics beyond the Standard Model Particle physics beyond the Standard Model


Maarten Golterman (San Francisco State University)


We review dilaton chiral perturbation theory (dChPT), the low-energy theory for the light sector of near-conformal, confining theories. dChPT accounts for the pions and the light scalar,and provides a systematic expansion in both the fermion mass and the distance to the conformal window. Unlike ChPT, dChPT predicts a large-mass regime in which the theory exhibits hyperscaling,while the expansion nevertheless remains systematic. We discuss applications to lattice data, presenting successes as well as directions for future work.


Maarten Golterman (San Francisco State University) Yigal Shamir (Tel Aviv University)

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