Criticality and related properties of a non-compact 2+1D Thirring Model

27 Jul 2021, 05:45
Oral presentation Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics


Mr Jude Worthy (Swansea University)


Modelling the behaviour of strongly interacting fermion sytems with correct symmetry properties presents significant challenges for lattice field theories. Investigating the suitability of domain wall fermions, we explore the locality and the Ginsparg-Wilson error of the Dirac operator in the context of a dynamical 2+1D non-compact Thirring model. We further investigate the eigenvalues of the Dirac operators and the Banks-Casher relation, as part of a broader search for criticality. Relations between twisted mass domain wall and overlap formulations are reviewed.


Mr Jude Worthy (Swansea University)


Prof. Simon Hands (Swansea University) Prof. Rajamani Narayanan (Florida International University)

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