Evan Owen
(Boston University)
We present the necessity of counter terms for Quantum Finite Element (QFE) simulations of $\phi^4$ theory on non-trivial simplicial manifolds with semi-regular lattice spacing. In particular, by computing the local cut-off dependence of UV divergent diagrams we found that the symmetries of the continuum theory are restored for $\phi^4$ theory on the manifolds $\mathbb{S}^2$ and $\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{S}^2$. Here we consider the construction of non-perturbative local counter terms in an attempt go to larger dimensionless lattice coupling closer to the strong coupling Wilson-Fisher IR fixed point.
Evan Owen
(Boston University)
Casey Berger
(Boston University)
Richard Brower
(Boston University)
George Fleming
(Yale University)
Andrew David Gasbarro
(Universität Bern)
Timothy Raben
(University of Kansas)