Critical behaviour and phase structure of 3d Scalar+Gauge Field Theories in the adjoint representation

28 Jul 2021, 14:15
Oral presentation Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics


Mr Henrique Bergallo Rocha (University of Edinburgh)


In holographic cosmology, the dual theory may be described by a family of super-renormalisable QFTs in 3 dimensions. In order to obtain cosmological observables, correlators in the massless regime of this QFT are obtained via lattice field theory. Previous work has focused on scalar $\phi^4$ matrix theories in the adjoint representation of SU(N). In this work we present a preliminary exploratory result in the critical behaviour and phase structure of the theory with an SU(N) scalar field coupled to gauge fields by utilising the Heatbath-Overrelaxation (HBOR) algorithm in lattice field theory.


Mr Henrique Bergallo Rocha (University of Edinburgh)

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