D10: Measuring charged particle polarizabilities on the lattice without background fields

28 Jul 2021, 15:00
Poster Hadron Structure Poster


Frank Lee (George Washington University) Walter Wilcox (Baylor University)


We show how to compute electromagnetic polarizabilities of charged hadrons on the lattice without using background fields. The low-energy behavior of the Compton scattering amplitude is matched to matrix elements of current-current four point functions. Working in momentum space, formulas for electric polarizability and magnetic polarizability are derived for both charged pion and proton. Lattice four-point correlation functions are constructed from quark and gluon fields to be used in Monte-Carlo simulations. The content of the functions is assessed in detail and specific prescriptions are given to isolate the polarizabilities.


Frank Lee (George Washington University)


Walter Wilcox (Baylor University)

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