Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics
- Jun Nishimura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics
- Antonio Rago (University of Plymouth (GB))
- Andrea Pelissetto (University of Rome "La Sapienza" and INFN)
Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics
- Simon Catterall (Syracuse University )
Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics
- C.-J. David Lin
Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics
- Daniel Nogradi
- Simon Hands
Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics
- Agostino Patella (Humboldt-Universitรคt zu Berlin)
Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics
- Richard Brower (Boston University)
Presentation materials
Hamiltonian formulation of lattice gauge theories provides the natural framework for the purpose of quantum simulation, an area of research that is growing with advances in quantum-computing algorithms and hardware. It is therefore important to identify the most accurate, while computationally economic, Hamiltonian formulation(s) of lattice gauge theories along with necessary truncation...
Quantum link models (QLMs) are extensions of Wilson-type lattice gauge theories, and show rich physics beyond the phenomena of conventional Wilson gauge theories. Here we explore the physics of U(1) symmetric QLMs, both using a more conventional quantum spin-1/2 representation, as well as a fermionic representation. In 2D, we show that both bosonic and fermionic QLMs have the same physics. We...
In the Hamiltonian formulation, free spin-1/2 massless Dirac fermions on a bipartite lattice have an
In the Hamiltonian picture, free spin-1/2 Dirac fermions on a bipartite lattice have an O(4) (spin-charge) symmetry. Here we construct an interacting lattice model with an interaction V, which is similar to the Hubbard interaction but preserves the spin-charge flip symmetry. By tuning the coupling V, we show that we can study the phase transition between the massless fermion phase at small V...
I present lattice Monte Carlo evidence of localized quantum excitations of the fields surrounding static electric charges in the q=2 abelian Higgs model; such excitations would appear as excited states of isolated fermions. Since the q=2 abelian Higgs model is a relativistic version of the Landau-Ginzburg effective model of superconductivity, these results may have some application in a...
To investigate the properties of the large
The Lorentzian type IIB matrix model is a promising candidate for a non-perturbative formulation of superstring theory. In previous studies, Monte Carlo calculations provided interesting results indicating the spontaneous breaking of SO(9) to SO(3) and the emergence of (3+1)-dimensional space-time. However, an approximation was used to avoid the sign problem, which seemed to make the...
The type IIB matrix model was proposed as a nonperturbative formulation of superstring theory in 1996. We simulate this model by applying the complex Langevin method to overcome the sign problem. Here, we clarify the relationship between the Euclidean and Lorentzian versions of the type IIB matrix model in a new phase we discovered recently.
Gauge theories admit a generalisation in which the gauge group is replaced by a finer algebraic structure, known as a 2-group. The first model of this type is a Topological Quantum Field Theory introduced by Yetter. I would like to discuss a common generalisation of both the Yetterโs model and Yang-Mills theory. I will focus on the lattice formulation of such model for finite 2-groups. After...
In this talk, I discuss a simple model based on the symmetry group
The Thirring model describes relativistic fermions with a contact interaction between conserved fermion currents. In 2+1 spacetime dimensions its U(
Modelling the behaviour of strongly interacting fermion sytems with correct symmetry properties presents significant challenges for lattice field theories. Investigating the suitability of domain wall fermions, we explore the locality and the Ginsparg-Wilson error of the Dirac operator in the context of a dynamical 2+1D non-compact Thirring model. We further investigate the eigenvalues of the...
The Hubbard model is an important tool to understand the electrical properties of various materials. More specifically, on the honeycomb lattice it features a quantum phase transition from a semimetal to a Mott insulating state which falls into the Gross-Neveu universality class. In this talk I am going to explain how we confirmed said quantum phase transition by taking advantage of recent...
Quantizing topological excitations beyond a semiclassical approximation is a nontrivial issue. Examples of relevant topological excitations are vortices in (2+1) dimensions. They are the condensed matter analogs of monopoles in particle physics and arise in Bose-Einstein condensates and superfluids. These systems can be described by the (2+1)-d O(2) model, where vortices are present through...
We report on an ongoing study of the running coupling of SU(N) pure Yang-Mills theory in the twisted gradient flow scheme (TGF). The study exploits the idea that twisted boundary conditions reduce finite volume effects, leading to an effective size in the twisted plane that combines the number of colours and the torus period. We test this hypothesis by computing the TGF running coupling and...
We describe new theoretical opportunities arising from the possibility to solve the gradient flow (GF) equations taking into account the fermion determinant exactly employing non-iterative solvers. Using this exact GF we can find real saddle points of the lattice action at zero chemical potential and trace their evolution in complex space at non-zero chemical potential. We show that these...
We describe the systematic treatment of the gradient flow at higher orders in perturbation theory and its application within the small flow-time expansion. The results include the coefficients of the gradient-flow definition of the energy-momentum tensor, the quark and the gluon condensates, as well as the hadronic vacuum polarization at next-to-next-to-leading order in the strong coupling....
The 1-loop RG flows in the most general local, renormalizable, Euclidean, classically scale invariant and globally SU(N) invariant theory of vector fields is computed. The total number of dimensionless couplings is 7 and several asymptotically free RG flows are found which are not gauge theories but nonetheless perfectly well-defined Euclidean QFT's. The set of couplings is extended to 9 with...
The one-loop determination of the coefficient
action has been useful, in conjunction with non-perturbative
determinations of
quantities to
employed. These days it is common practice to include some...
In this talk I examine the algorithmic problem of minimal coupling gauge fields of the Yang--Mills type to Quantum Gravity in the approach known as Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT) as a step towards studying, ultimately, systems of gravity coupled with bosonic and fermionic matter. I first describe the algorithm for general dimensions and gauge groups and then focus on the results...
Quantizing gravity is one big problem of theoretical physics and it's well-known that general relativity is not renormalizable perturbatively. Yet studies of quantum gravity on lattice have given evidence of the asymptotic safety scenario in which there is a strongly coupled UV fixed point. In this talk, I will talk about our study of the interaction of two scalar particles propagating on...
After a brief introduction of Euclidean dynamical triangulations (EDT) as a lattice approach to quantum gravity, I will discuss the emergence of de Sitter space in EDT. Working within the semi-classical approximation, it is possible to relate the lattice parameters entering the simulations to the partition function of Euclidean quantum gravity. This allows to verify that the EDT geometries...
Recent work in Euclidean dynamical triangulations (EDT) has provided compelling evidence for its viability as a formulation of quantum gravity. In particular the lattice value of the renormalized Newton's constant has been obtained by two distinct methods (the binding energy of scalar particles on the lattice, and comparison with the Hawking-Moss instanton). That these calculations yield...
We present a new method to numerically investigate the gravitational collapse of a free, massless scalar quantum field in the semiclassical approximation from a spherically symmetric, coherent initial state. Numerical results are presented for a small (
If and how gauge theories thermalize is an unanswered question. Partly, this is due to the inability of lattice gauge theory (LGT) simulations to simulate out-of-equilibrium quantum dynamics on classical computers, but also due the difficulty of defining entanglement entropy in lattice gauge theories and finding schemes for its practical computation.
In this work, we study real-time...
We compute a real-time inclusive scattering processes from the spectral function of a Euclidean two-point correlation function in the two-dimensional O(3) model. The intractable inverse problem is overcome using a recently-proposed algorithm to compute the desired spectral function smeared with a variety of finite-width kernels. Systematic errors due to finite volume, continuum limit, and...
In non-Hermitian random matrix theory there are three universality classes for local spectral correlations: the Ginibre class and the nonstandard classes AI
Abstract: The SU(3) Yang-Mills matrix model coupled to fundamental
fermions is an approximation of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) on a
3-sphere of radius R. The spectrum of this matrix model Hamiltonian
estimated using standard variational methods, and is analyzed in the
strong coupling limit. By employing a renormalization prescription to
determine the dependence of the Yang-Mills...
Lattices on Spherical Manifolds or on the cylindrical boundary of Anti-de-Sitter
space have the potential to explore non-perturbative conformal or near conformal
gauge theories for BSM studies for composite Higgs or Dark Matter. We report
on progress in the use of Quantum Finite Elements (QFE) to address renormalization on maximally symmetric spherical simplicial manifolds. The...
We present the necessity of counter terms for Quantum Finite Element (QFE) simulations of
We explore holography with geometry fluctuation in the two-dimensional hyperbolic lattice. We present results on the behavior of the boundary-boundary correlation function of scalar fields propagating on discrete 2D random triangulations with the topology of a disk. We use a gravitational action that includes a curvature squared operator which favors a regular tessellation of hyperbolic space...
We consider a massive fermion system having a curved domain-wall
embedded in a square lattice.
As already reported in condensed matter physics, the massless chiral edge modes
appearing at the domain-wall feel "gravity" through the induced spin
In this work, we embed
and show how the gravity is detected from the spectrum of...
We analyze the chiral phase transition of the NambuโJona-Lasinio model in the cold and dense region on the lattice developing the Grassmann version of the anisotropic tensor renormalization group algorithm. The model is formulated with the KogutโSusskind fermion action. We use the chiral condensate as an order parameter to investigate the restoration of the chiral symmetry. The first-order...
We make an analysis of the two-dimensional U(1) lattice gauge theory with a ฮธ term by using the tensor renormalization group.
Our numerical result for the free energy shows good consistency with the exact one at finite coupling constant. The topological charge density generates a finite gap at ฮธ=ฯ toward the thermodynamic limit.
In addition finite size scaling analysis of the topological...
We investigate the metal-insulator transition of the (1+1)-dimensional Hubbard model in the path-integral formalism with the tensor renormalization group method. The critical chemical potential
In complex Langevin simulations, the insufficient decay of the probability density near infinity leads to boundary terms that spoil the formal argument for correctness. We present a formulation of this term that is cheaply measurable in lattice models, and in principle allows also the direct estimation of the systematic error of the CL method. Results for various lattice models from XY model...
The complex Langevin method is a general method to treat systems with
complex action, such as QCD at finite density. The formal justification
relies on the absence of certain boundary terms, both at infinity and at
the unavoidable poles of the drift force. In this talk I focus on the
boundary terms at poles for simple models, which so far have not been
discussed in detail. The main result...
Near the second order phase transition point, QCD with two flavours of massless quarks can be approximated by an
We present a high-precision Monte Carlo study of the
In this talk I present a recent proposal for a novel action for lattice gauge theory for finite systems, which accommodates non-periodic boundary conditions [1]. Drawing on the summation-by-parts formulation of finite differences and finite volume strategies of computational electrodynamics, an action is constructed that implements the proper integral form of Gauss' law and exhibits an...
The Renormalization Group (RG) is one of the central and modern techniques in quantum field theory. Indeed, quantum field theories can be understood as flows between fixed points, representing Conformal Field Theories (CFT's), of the RG. Hence, the search and classification of yet unknown non-trivial CFT's is a legitimate endeavor. Analytical considerations point to the existence of such a...
We consider the role that gauge symmetry breaking terms play on the continuum limit of gauge theories in three dimensions.
As a paradigmatic example we consider scalar electrodynamics in which
Universal features of second order phase phase transitions can be investigated by studying the phi-to-the-fourth field theory with the corresponding global symmetry breaking pattern. When gauge symmetries are present, the same technique is usually applied to a gauge invariant order parameter field, as in the Pisarski-Wilczek analysis of the QCD chiral phase transition. Gauge fields are thus...
We address the interplay between local and global symmetries by analyzing the continuum limit of two-dimensional multicomponent scalar lattice gauge theories, endowed by non-abelian local and global invariance. These theories are asymptotically free. By exploiting Monte Carlo simulations and Finite-Size Scaling techniques, we thus provide numerical results concerning the universal behavior of...
We use the two-dimensional Schwinger model to investigate how lattice fermion operators perceive the global topological charge
The bosonization procedure for Majorana modes based on Clifford algebra-valued degrees of freedom, valid for arbitrary lattices, will be summarized. In the case of honeycomb geometry the Kitaev model emerges. The role of boundary effects and edge states will be discussed.
The euclidean representation of a newly proposed spin system, which is equivalent to a single Majorana fermion in 2+1 dimensions, is derived. The unconstrained euclidean system reveals a mild sign problem which is quantitatively studied. Implementing constraints without breaking positivity will be shortly outlined.
In holographic cosmology, the dual theory may be described by a family of super-renormalisable QFTs in 3 dimensions. In order to obtain cosmological observables, correlators in the massless regime of this QFT are obtained via lattice field theory. Previous work has focused on scalar
In the holographic approach to cosmology, cosmological observables are described in terms of correlators of a three-dimensional boundary quantum field theory. As a concrete model, we study the 3D massless SU(N) scalar matrix field theory with a
We study a recently proposed formulation of U(1) lattice field theory with electric and magnetic matter based on the Villain formulation. This discretization allows for a duality that gives rise to relations between weak and strong coupling. We use a worldline version of the model to overcome the complex action problem and discuss suitable algorithms for its simulation. We investigate the...
QED in the presence of strong external fields is relevant to Laser physics, Accelerator physics, Astrophysics and Condensed Matter physics. Standard methods of relativistic quantum mechanics and QED, including perturbation theory, have their limitations. To go beyond this, approximate non-perturbative methods such as the Schwinger-Dyson approach have been applied. We are simulating Lattice QED...
The gradient flow, which exponentially suppresses ultraviolet field fluctuations and removes ultraviolet divergences (up to a multiplicative fermionic wavefunction renormalization), can be used to describe real-space Wilsonian renormalization group transformations and determine the corresponding beta function. We propose a new nonperturbative renormalization scheme for local operators that...
When using deep inelastic scattering (DIS) to probe hadronic structure, we can use the operator product expansion to approximate the product of currents, using the operators' twist to suppress higher order effects. On the lattice, these operators experience power divergent mixing, which we aim to control by introducing the gradient flow. We study an example in perturbation theory.
I discuss symmetric mass generation (SMG) and its relevance to the problem of constructing lattice chiral fermions. A necessary condition for SMG is the
cancellation of certain discrete anomalies which constrain the number of
fermions to multiples of sixteen. I give some examples of models based on
reduced staggered fermions that are capable of SMG.
We construct a four dimensional lattice gauge theory in which fermions acquire mass without
breaking symmetries as a result of gauge interactions. We start from
so that single site bilinear mass terms vanish identically. A symmetric...
We study a strongly interacting lattice field theory model with two massless flavors of staggered fermions in three space-time dimensions. We consider the phase diagram of the model as a function of two couplings: (1) a lattice current-current interaction
We present preliminary results for a lattice study of the chiral and continuum limit of pseudoscalar mass and decay constant for
Gauge anomaly in 4-dimensions can be viewed as a current inflow into an extra-dimension, where the total phase of the fermion partition function is given in a gauge invariant way by the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer(APS) eta-invariant of a 5-dimensional Dirac operator. However, this formalism requires a non-local boundary condition, which makes the physical roles of edge/bulk modes unclear and the...