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26โ€“30 Jul 2021
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Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics

26 Jul 2021, 21:00


Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics

  • Jun Nishimura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))

Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics

  • Antonio Rago (University of Plymouth (GB))
  • Andrea Pelissetto (University of Rome "La Sapienza" and INFN)

Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics

  • Simon Catterall (Syracuse University )

Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics

  • C.-J. David Lin

Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics

  • Daniel Nogradi
  • Simon Hands

Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics

  • Agostino Patella (Humboldt-Universitรคt zu Berlin)

Theoretical developments and applications beyond particle physics

  • Richard Brower (Boston University)

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