Perspectives on Quantum Sensing and Computation for Particle Physics

from Monday 5 July 2021 (15:00) to Friday 16 July 2021 (19:00)
CERN (Zoom Only)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
5 Jul 2021
6 Jul 2021
7 Jul 2021
8 Jul 2021
9 Jul 2021
12 Jul 2021
13 Jul 2021
14 Jul 2021
15 Jul 2021
16 Jul 2021
16:20 Welcome - Dorota Maria Grabowska (CERN)   (Zoom Only)
16:30 Quantum Sensing for Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves - Peter Graham   (Zoom Only)
18:00 Quantum Sensors for Particle Physics - Sunil Golwala   (Zoom Only)
15:00 Coherent-Field Dark Matter: Candidates and Search Methods - Andreas Ringwald (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   (Zoom Only)
16:30 Searching for Dark States with Nonlinear Optics - Roni Harnik (Fermilab)   (Zoom Only)
18:00 Fundamental tests of Quantum Mechanics - Angelo Bassi (Department of Physics - University of Trieste)   (Zoom Only)
15:00 Quantum Metrology Assisted Experiments at the Antiproton Decelerator Facility of CERN - Stefan Ulmer (RIKEN (JP))   (Zoom Only)
16:30 Direct detection of light dark matter with quantum materials and sensors - Tongyan Lin   (Zoom Only)
18:00 Quantum sensitivity limits of nuclear magnetic resonance searches for axion-like dark matter - Alex Sushkov (Boston University)   (Zoom Only)
15:00 Optimal metrology with variational quantum circuits on trapped ions: theory and experiment - Christian Marciniak (University Innsbruck) Raphael Kaubruegger   (Zoom Only)
16:30 The piezoaxionic effect - Asimina Arvanitaki (PI - Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (CA))   (Zoom Only)
18:00 Navigating Quantum Systems to Detect Ultra-Cold Neutrinos from the Big Bang - Chris Tully (Princeton University (US))   (Zoom Only)
15:00 Atom Interferometry with MAGIS-100 and AION - Jeremiah Mitchell (University of Cambridge)   (Zoom Only)
16:30 Quantum sensors from the tabletop to the Universe - Jonathan R. Ellis (University of London (GB))   (Zoom Only)
18:00 Particle Physics Circa 2021 - Savas Dimopoulos (Unknown)   (Zoom Only)
14:50 Welcome - Dorota Maria Grabowska (CERN)   (Zoom Only)
15:00 From Quantum Links to D-Theory: A Resource Efficient Framework for the Quantum Simulation of Gauge Theories - Uwe-Jens Wiese (Bern University)   (Zoom Only)
16:30 Quantum simulation for nuclear physics - Zohreh Davoudi   (Zoom Only)
18:00 Measurement-based eigensolvers for problems in high energy physics - Luca Dellantonio   (Zoom Only)
15:00 Dimensional Expressivity Analysis of Parametric Quantum Circuits - Lena Funcke (Perimeter Institute)   (Zoom Only)
16:30 High-energy physics at ultracold temperatures – quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories with cold atoms - Philipp Hauke   (Zoom Only)
15:00 Cold atoms meet lattice gauge theory - Maciej Lewenstein   (Zoom Only)
16:30 3D-integrated superconducting quantum circuits - Peter Leek (University of Oxford)   (Zoom Only)
15:00 Application of Quantum Machine Learning to High Energy Physics Analysis at the LHC using Quantum Computer Simulators and Hardware - Sau Lan Wu (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))   (Zoom Only)
16:30 Quantum Computing for High Energy Colliders - Christian Walter Bauer (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (Zoom Only)
18:00 Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum algorithms - Alba Cervera-Lierta   (Zoom Only)
15:00 Towards simulating 2D effects in lattice gauge theories on a quantum computer - Christine Muschik (University of Waterloo)   (Zoom Only)
16:30 Quantum Gravity in the Lab - Adam Brown   (Zoom Only)
18:00 Thoughts about the Interface - Martin Savage (Institute for Nuclear Theory)   (Zoom Only)