20–24 Sept 2021
America/Vancouver timezone

H-Ion Source Operational Performance and Latest Development at the Spallation Neutron Source

22 Sept 2021, 09:25
Parallel Session (Contributed Oral) talk Negative ion sources


Baoxi Han (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)


The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is the world most powerful accelerator driven pulsed neutron source. A H- injector feeds the accelerator with the required high current (>50 mA) time structured (1ms, 60 Hz) H- beam. The injector consists of an RF-driven, Cs-enhanced H- ion source and an electrostatic low energy beam transport section. In the recent three run cycles, the H- source operated ~4 months for each run without intrusive maintenance. Post-service inspections revealed no significant wear or damage that would have limited further operation of the source. A single dose of cesiation conducted in the startup of a run maintained the beam current for the entire run period with just minor adjustments of operation parameters. Lately, we have tested a solid-state RF power system to replace the vacuum-tube type RF supply to further improve the ease of operation and system availability. Significant progress has also been made on the continued development of the external-antenna RF ion source including its plasma ignition scheme and stability.

E-mail for contact person hanb@ornl.gov


Baoxi Han (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Martin Stockli (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Robert Welton (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Chip Piller (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Syd Murray Jr. (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Terry Pennisi (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Chris Stinson (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Sang-ho Kim (SNS/ORNL)

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