Sep 20 – 24, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

On-line, from 20 to 24 September 2021

The workshop covers all aspects of electronic systems, components and instrumentation for particle and astro-particle physics experiments such as: electronics for particle detection, triggering, data-acquisition systems, accelerator and beam instrumentation.
Operational experience of electronic systems and R&D in electronics for LHC, High Luminosity LHC, FAIR, neutrino facilities and other present or future accelerator projects are the major focus of the workshop.

The purpose of the workshop is:
- Present original concepts and results of research and development for electronics relevant to particle physics experiments as well as accelerator and beam instrumentation at future facilities;
- Review the status of electronics for running experiments and accelerators;
- Identify and encourage common efforts for the development of electronics;
- Promote information exchange and collaboration in the relevant engineering and physics communities.

The main topics of the workshop will be recent research and developments in the following areas:
- Highly integrated detectors and electronics;
- Custom Analogue and Digital Circuits;
- Programmable Digital Logic Applications;
- Optoelectronic Data Transfer and Control;
- Packaging and Interconnect Technologies;
- Radiation and Magnetic Field Tolerant Systems;
- Testing and Reliability;
- Power Management and Conversion;
- Grounding and Shielding;
- Design Tools and Methods.

The workshop programme will include invited plenary talks, sessions for oral presentations and poster presentations. The workshop programme will be modified to the number and kind of submitted abstracts to adapt to the online format of the workshop.
No attendance fee will be charged, however registration is mandatory to access the workshop and off-line documentation.
Registration is already open and can be accessed here:

Authors are invited to submit abstracts and summaries describing original developments and new contributions, including recent progress, in the workshop topic areas.
Abstracts (max. 100 words long) and summaries (max. 500 words long) along an optional file containing diagrams or plots must be submitted through the Integrated Digital Conference tool at
The summary will be the basis for paper selection. It should be complete and describe the work, its relevance to one or more of the workshop topics and important conclusions. A submission without comprehensive summary will not be considered.

The extended deadline for submissions is May 16, 2021

Abstracts will be made available at the time of the workshop and will include all contributions selected for either oral or poster presentation.
The proceedings of the workshop will be published in a peer reviewed Journal.
Enquiries concerning the workshop scientific programme and submissions can be directed to the Workshop Secretariat, by email at

Scientific organisation
A. Kluge (CERN, CH, Chair)
J. Alme (UiB, NO)
J.P. Cachemiche (CPPM–IN2P3, FR)
H. Chen (BNL, US)
W. Dabrowski (AGH, PL)
S. Danzeca (CERN, CH)
M. French (RAL, UK)
P. Gui (SMU, US)
M. Hansen (CERN, CH)
C. G. Hu (IPHC-IN2P3, FR)
G. Iles (Imperial College, UK)
C. Joram (CERN, CH)
A. Ricci (CERN, CH, Secretary)
A. Rivetti (INFN, IT)
W. Snoeys (CERN, CH)
F. Vasey (CERN, CH)
K. Wyllie (CERN, CH)

Registration for this event is currently open.