5:00 AM
Memorial talk for Professor Dr. Evgeny Denisovich Donets
Oliver Kester
(until 5:25 AM)
5:25 AM
Tubular Electron String Ion Source Development
Alexey Boytsov
(Joint Institute For Nuclear Research, Russia, Dubna)
5:45 AM
Operation Experience of LION and RHIC-EBIS for RHIC and NSRL
Takeshi Kanesue
6:05 AM
A Picosecond Laser-Based Ion Source for Injection into a High Capacity EBIS in Both Accumulation and Single Pulsed Modes
Sergey Kondrashev
6:35 AM
--- Break (15 Minutes) ---
6:50 AM
Overview of Recent and Upcoming Activities at the BATMAN Upgrade Test Facility
Christian Wimmer
(Max-Planck-Inst. f. Plasmaphysik)
7:10 AM
First Operations with Caesium of the Negative Ion Source SPIDER
emanuele sartori
7:30 AM
Ion Source Development at IPP: on the Road Towards Achieving the ITER‐NBI Targets and Preparing Concepts for DEMO
Ursel Fantz
(Max-Planck-Institut for Plasma Physics)
8:00 AM
Inductive Coupling Between RF and Plasma: Insights and Consequences for H$^–$ Ion Sources
- Dr
Stefan Briefi
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
8:20 AM
--- Break (15 Minutes) ---
8:35 AM
Development of a Cs-Free Negative Hydrogen Ion Source System Using Multi-Pulsed Plasma Sources: Prospect and Challenges
- Dr
Sung-Ryul Huh
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
9:05 AM
Effect of Negative Ion Sheath on Beam Extraction in Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources
Katsuya Hayashi
9:25 AM
H-Ion Source Operational Performance and Latest Development at the Spallation Neutron Source
Baoxi Han
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
9:45 AM
--- Break (15 Minutes) ---
10:00 AM
Optimization of a Negative Ion Source for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry using Lorentz 2E
Collin Tiessen
(Andre E. Lalonde Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Lab)
10:20 AM
Dynamics and Reactivity of Thermalized Ions in a Radiofrequency Quadrupole Gas-Reaction Cell Used for the Production of Radioactive Molecular Ions
Jean-Francois Alary
(Isobarex Corp.)
10:40 AM
A Cold Electron-Impact Ion Source Driven by Laser-Induced Electron Emission – New Opportunities for Radioactive Molecular Beams?
Jochen Ballof
11:00 AM
--- End of Day (11:00 PDT) ---
11:15 AM
--- International Advisory Committee (IAC) ---