21–23 Jun 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

3D n-on-n detectors

23 Jun 2021, 09:40


OSCAR DAVID FERRER (Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona)


In my talk I will present the results of the first fabrication of
n-on-n 3D detectors. The sensors have been irradiated with neutrons at
fluences up to 1E17n/cm 1 M-ev/equivalent. Using the TCT set up
available at CNM we have been able to do the measurements before
irradiation both of the charge collection efficiency and the timing
performance using a 50x50 pixel array with a pitch of 50um. Using a
CFD of 50% we can get a timing resolution of 83ps before irradiation
at room temperature. Reuslts on the irradiated detectors will also be


OSCAR DAVID FERRER (Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona)

Presentation materials