Opening day
Submission deadline
Please submit your abstracts for parallel sessions on Higgs-boson precision physics, properties, Yukawa interactions, di-Higgs, EFT, BSM Higgs, advances in modelling of signal and background processes, tools, future colliders and experiments (including projections - in particular we welcome Snowmass related studies), and related subjects, no later than July 15th 2021.
Please note that we plan to have up to eight live presentations on any of the above mentioned topics, divided amongst all experiments and theory, dedicated for PhD researchers or early-career postdoctoral researchers to report on their own work, i.e. a Young Scientists Forum (YSF). These will be adjacent to the plenary sessions and no longer than 10 minutes (including questions). Please also submit these abstracts as above, marked accordingly in the submission form, by the same deadline.
The speakers of the parallel sessions will be asked to upload their slides (pdf) and a video recording of the presentation three days in advance to their respective live session. The live parallel sessions during the conference will consist of short summaries of the talks followed by questions and discussion. This format allows all speakers of the parallel sessions to attend the conference in person (if possible), or join remotely. In case the conference can be done in the hoped-for hybrid format, the best parallel presentations will be selected to present their talk again live in the closeout plenary session on the last day of the conference.
Higgs 2021 Program Committee
Higgs 2021 Local Organizing Committee