Oct 18 – 22, 2021
America/New_York timezone



Two following hotels have bee pre-booked for the conference participants:

  • A block of 50 rooms at the Hilton Garden Inn. This hotel is on campus and is five-minutes walking distance away from the conference venue. The rate for conference participants is 185usd (ca. 155eur) per day including taxes, and the rooms are on a first-come first-served basis. When booking a room, you must guarantee your room with a credit card. Reservations can be be cancelled by 3pm before the arrival day.  In order to make a reservation please call the hotel at +1 631 941 2980 x 0, and ask for the group code "HEPG". Booking blocks are from 17 to 22 October. You can also reserve online using this link. This room block booking will expire on September 2nd, 2021.
  • A block of 50 rooms at the Holiday Inn Express. This hotel is 13 minutes away from the conference venue by car. The rate for conference participants is 130usd (ca. 110eur) per day including taxes, and again rooms are on a first-come first-served basis. The hotel has a free shuttle (we will provide more information about this in the future). Reservations can be cancelled up to 48 hours before arrival without penalty. In order to make a reservation please call the hotel at +1-800-HOLIDAY or +1 631 471 8000, and ask for the room booking for "Stony Brook University Physics and Astronomy" from 17 to 22 October. You can also reserver online using this link. This room block booking will expire around one month before the start of the conference, i.e. on September 17th, 2021.

Please note, there are only a limited number of rooms set aside for conference participants. Each participant is responsible for making their own reservation and is encouraged to make their reservation as early as possible, because we expect a large demand for rooms during the conference period. You should also always check other booking services for lower rates (but please check also the cancellation policy).

We also suggest to check the hotel at Danfords in Port Jefferson, because of the nice location. They have a free shuttle as well. However, again please also check the cancellation policy before proceeding with the booking.