18–22 Oct 2021
America/New_York timezone

Electroweak Restoration at the LHC and Beyond: The Vh Channel

20 Oct 2021, 09:40
Parallel Sessions Higgs-boson properties Parallel: Precision and Properties


Ian Lewis (The University of Kansas)


The LHC is exploring electroweak (EW) physics at the scale EW symmetry is broken. As the LHC and new high energy colliders push our understanding of the Standard Model to ever-higher energies, it will be possible to probe not only the breaking of but also the restoration of EW symmetry. We propose to observe EW restoration in double EW boson production via the convergence of the Goldstone boson equivalence theorem. This convergence is most easily measured in the vector boson plus Higgs production, Vh, which is dominated by the longitudinal polarizations. We define EW restoration by carefully taking the limit of zero Higgs vacuum expectation value (vev). We demonstrate that the 14 TeV HL-LHC can confirm that this ratio converges to one to 40% precision while at the 27 TeV HE-LHC the precision will be 6%. We also investigate statistical tests to quantify the convergence at high energies. Our analysis provides a roadmap for how to stress test the Goldstone boson equivalence theorem and our understanding of spontaneously broken symmetries, in addition to confirming the restoration of EW symmetry.

Primary authors

Ian Lewis (The University of Kansas) Li Huang (University of Kansas) Samuel Lane (University of Kansas) Zhen Liu (University of Minnesota)

Presentation materials