Oct 18 – 22, 2021
America/New_York timezone

Precision Higgs Physics at High-Energy Muon Colliders

Oct 19, 2021, 2:30 PM
Parallel Sessions Joint Future/BSM Higgs Parallel: Joint Future/BSM


Samuel Homiller (Harvard University)


A high energy muon collider is an exciting option for exploring the energy frontier beyond the LHC. In addition to having a powerful energy reach, I will discuss how a multi-TeV muon collider also acts as a “vector-boson collider”, allowing for large rates of electroweak processes that can be leveraged for precision measurements of the Higgs sector, via both on- and off-shell measurements. I will also discuss how precision measurements of the Higgs at a muon collider can be used as a unique probe of beyond the Standard Model physics, with measurements complementary to other precision experimental programs.

Primary author

Samuel Homiller (Harvard University)

Presentation materials